How Our 100% On-Chain Community Not-For-Profit Raffles Works

Each raffle will have three winning tickets that will be randomly drawn using the industry standard "VRF" (Verifiable Random Function) by Chain-link which provides verifiable tamper- proof randomness to the raffle's smart contract..

The first ticket will be automatically drawn by the smart contract immediately after the last raffle ticket is purchased, or after the raffle's end date has been reached.

The raffle prizes depend on how many tickets have been purchased before the smart contract starts the winning tickets drawing phase.

The whole raffle tokens/coins balance will be split only between the three winning tickets` owners, the prize for each winning ticket will be a percentage of the total tokens/coins the raffle has at the point of claiming the prizes, these percentages get specified at the creation of each raffle in the smart contract, and the first winning ticket prize will always be greater than each of the other two winning tickets, and the prize for the second winning ticket will be greater than the third winning ticket.

The owners of each winning drawn ticket will have 24 hours to claim his/her ticket prize before a ticket reroll takes place to draw another winning ticket to replace the unclaimed ticket.

Once the owner of the current drawn ticket claims its prize the smart contract will automatically draw another random winning ticket until there're three winning tickets that have been drawn, and once the third winning ticket is claimed the smart contract marks the end of this raffle for being totally claimed by three winning tickets owners.

Once you have successfully completed your ticket purchase on the WWP Site, you will see your active tickets for the raffle on the page like this:

The Wicked Werewolf Pack Raffles dApp Tickets

We are excited to announce out first ever Raffle here at WWP for our Dedicated and Greatly Appreciated early Supporters and Followers.

Prize: 500 LYCN Tokens
1 st place 300 tokens
2 nd place 150 tokens
3 rd place 50 tokens

1 LYCN Token per Ticket
500 Raffle Tickets Total
3 Winning Tickets Will Be Randomly Drawn On-Chain

Important Notice: The project team isn't profiting from these raffles in any way, on the contrary, the team paid for the development of the raffles` smart contract and dApp and will continue to pay for maintaining it as long as it's of interest to the project community.


C. Feliciano

Authors Chief

Discord Handle: Blazin88 #5220

Discord Server: Wicked Werewolves Pack (OG Werewolf )


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