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Add Polygon To MetaMask Wallet

A quick guide to adding Polygon to your MetaMask Wallet (MetaMask supports Firefox, Google Chrome, and Chromium-based browsers) so you can start earning $LYCN Coins and store them in your Wallet.

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what art NFTs and NFTs staking with LYCN coin

NFTs and NFTs Staking With LYCN Tokens

NFTs (or “non-fungible tokens”) are crypto assets in which each token is unique as opposed to “fungible” assets like Bitcoin and dollar bills, which are all worth exactly the same amount. Because every NFT is unique, they can be used to authenticate ownership of digital assets like artworks, recordings, and virtual real estate or pets.

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The Wicked Werewolf Pack Raffles dApp Tickets

100% On-Chain Community Not-For-Profit Raffles

Each raffle will have three winning tickets that will be randomly drawn using the industry standard "VRF" (Verifiable Random Function) by Chain-link which provides verifiable tamper- proof randomness to the raffle's smart contract..


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