What are NFTs and NFT Staking with $LYCN Token?
How does it provide Passive Income?

what art NFTs and NFTs staking with LYCN token

What are NFT’s?

NFTs (or “non-fungible tokens”) are crypto assets in which each token is unique as opposed to “fungible” assets like Bitcoin and dollar bills, which are all worth exactly the same amount. Because every NFT is unique, they can be used to authenticate ownership of digital assets like artworks, recordings, and virtual real estate or pets. If a cryptocurrency you own allows staking. This usually happens via a “staking pool” which you can think of as being similar to an interest-bearing savings account. $LYCN will be the only way to mint half of the project's NFT collection. The First half Being Minted on Matic and the other half exclusively with $LYCN.

The reason your crypto earns rewards while staked is because the blockchain puts it to work. Cryptocurrencies that allow staking use a “consensus mechanism” called Proof of Stake, which is the way they ensure that all transactions are verified and secured without a bank or payment processor in the middle. Your crypto, if you choose to stake it, becomes part of that process. (source:Coinbase)

To reinforce, Staking means to lock an agreed upon minimum amount of your cryptocurrency to a blockchain network. The network will allow cryptocurrency holders to generate income from cryptos that would otherwise be sitting in their wallets. It is a Win-Win Agreement for both the Holder and the Exchange. They Use Your Coins for new transactions to be verified before being added to the blockchain and existing coins are used as validators to confirm blocks on the chain. The Coins should never be pulled out prematurely for this reason, the penalty to wait varies between 7 to 21 days before your funds are released in most cases and any income produced will cease to be produced while your funds are being released.

$LYCN will be used as rewards for staking any of the project's NFTs, This gives incentive to own both the NFT and $LYCN tokens. Staking will be allowed once the first half of NFTs (5K NFTs) have sold out. A general rule for Staking is to only pull it out if truly necessary. The minimum staking period for WWP NFTs will be only 3 days, however, the $LYCN rewards can be claimed at any time giving the stakers the total freedom to use their rewards before they unstake their NFTs. The $LYCN rewards per day for one NFT will be 12 $LYCN tokens and you can check the current price of $LYCN tokens at our Discord server or QuickSwap website. Any $LYCN holder will be able to swap the $LYCN token to any other coin/token via MetaMask wallet or QuickSwap website.

About NFT staking

NFT staking creates liquidity and utility for NFTs. Staking Rewards are determined by various factors and paid out differently from project to project most commonly as Passive Income in the form of a coin payout daily,weekly or monthly. The coin will be the same coin being staked or a paired coin, predetermined before you agree to the Staking Agreement or Terms. Read this well because you do not want to be surprised. NFT staking in a nutshell is about holding NFT tokens in a cryptocurrency wallet, which means supporting the security and operations of a blockchain network.

Any Long Term Investor should consider staking as much as they can stand to lose. The generation of passive income is reason enough to stake your coins or NFTs and never take them off the exchange or store them securely in your Wallet.

This is Not Financial Advice.


C. Feliciano

Authors Chief

Discord Handle: Blazin88 #5220

Discord Server: Wicked Werewolves Pack (OG Werewolf )


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