How To Add Polygon to your Metamask Wallet to access your $LYCN Coins.

Here is a quick guide to adding Polygon to your MetaMask Wallet (MetaMask supports Firefox, Google Chrome, and Chromium-based browsers) so you can start earning $LYCN Coins and store them in your Wallet.

1. Download Meta Mask and add it to your browser by following the prompts (I suggest creating a new wallet to dismiss any hassle but, if you have one already move on to the next steps.

MetaMask Website Homepage

2. Set Up Password and Write Down the Seed Phrases, Put this Information Somewhere Safe! If you do not have your keys, the coins or tokens are vulnerable, and you may lose them. Beware!

3. When your Meta Mask is ready to use, at the top of the screen use the drop down menu that says Ethereum MainNet and Press “Add Network”

Add Polygon Network to MetaMask

4. Go to Custom Token and add the Polygon Network information as follows…

Network Name: Polygon
ChainID: 137
Symbol: MATIC
Block Explorer URL:
Press Save and Go Back To The Main Wallet Screen.

6. Change your network from Ethereum MainNet to Polygon

Change to Polygon Network

7. Here at the Assets Section, Go to Import Tokens at the Bottom of the Screen.

Import token as asset

8. Then here go to Custom Tokens and Add the $LYCN contract address: 0x39afd8a79ebd3d2cc7866ee50257c863402deff0

Add the token smart contract address

9. Save the address and your $LYCN Balance will show up then.

Add LYCN coin token smart contract address


C. Feliciano

Authors Chief

Discord Handle: Blazin88 #5220

Discord Server: Wicked Werewolves Pack (OG Werewolf )


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